Daily Bulletin

Lewis Central Middle School Bulletin for Wednesday, March 12, 2025

7th & 8th grade students playing school sports?

Everything sports related is now done within Bound. You will need to have a current physical uploaded into Bound. The physical page that needs to be uploaded must contain the following: your student's name, birth date, date of physical, signature of the physician completing the physical, and state that they are cleared for sports. The link for Bound is found here: Your text to link... Physicals are good one year from the date of the physical. If your physical expires during your sport, be sure to get a new one and get it uploaded into Bound before the old one expires in order to continue to participate in your sport. You will also need to complete the 3 online forms in Bound as well. Those are: Activities Philosophy, Concussion Form and Handbook Code of Conduct Agreement.


FCA will be meeting this Wednesday at 7am in Ms. Mundt's room! Bring a friend to join us, and be looking out for information on upcoming events, such as the annual volleyball tournament!

Some important things to remember*

There is absolutely NO taking pictures or videos with phones. Please use only KIND words throughout the building. Gum is not allowed in school at any time.

7th grade students:

Please return your completed Leadership application to Mr. Kern or Mrs. Chandler by Tuesday, March 18th. Stop by one of those rooms if you don't have an application and are interested.

Locker problems?

If you ever need help with your locker you can email Middle School Maintenance: MS-maint@lewiscentral.org They will come to your rescue! :D

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